An estimate published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that around 40 million adults in the U.S. smoke cigarettes. This habit is strongly connected to a number of health problems, including respiratory issues, cancer, and more. If you smoke, it is logical to wonder if this activity may also affect your prospects for tooth replacement. You might ask, “Can I get dental implants if I smoke?” This blog post provides helpful information.
(more…)Wellesley Dental Group Blog
Can I Get Dental Implants if I Smoke?
April 17, 2023
Can I Drink Alcohol After a Tooth Extraction?
March 9, 2023
In most cases, it is perfectly acceptable to indulge in a beer, cocktail, or glass of wine. However, it is a different story if you recently underwent a major dental treatment. In fact, it is the course of wisdom to avoid drinking alcohol after a tooth extraction for at least 7 – 10 days. Read on to learn why that is the case.
(more…)February is National Children’s Dental Health Month
February 28, 2023
The children are indeed the future. Promoting healthy habits for our children is one of the most important things we can do for them. February marks National Children’s Dental Health Month sponsored by the American Dental Association (ADA). One of the main focuses of this national observance is prevention of dental issues by practicing good oral health.
(more…)When to Say Goodbye to the Baby Bottle
February 21, 2023
Wondering when to start weaning your baby from a bottle? From a dental perspective, this is an important topic as bottle use has a significant impact on the oral health of your baby. Although every child is different, there are some guidelines to consider to help transition your little one away from the bottle.
(more…)Taking Care of your Heart
February 14, 2023
Each February many of us are reminded to focus on our heart health as American Heart Month sheds light on all things related to the heart. Love is truly in the air all of February and our hearts require a lot of love when trying to maintain its health. Heart disease is a general term that covers many heart problems. One of the most commonly known heart diseases is Coronary Artery Disease, which occurs when the arteries connecting to the heart become blocked by plaque build-up.
(more…)Do I need Probiotics for my Oral Health?
February 7, 2023
Many of us have heard the benefits of probiotics, but did you know those benefits extend to your oral health? Probiotics, found in certain supplements and foods like yogurt and sauerkraut, may help you control dental tarter and bacterial plaque.
Probiotics are comprised of “good” bacteria and yeasts. These good microorganisms help fight off the body’s “bad “bacteria. Many individuals have heard about probiotics when referring to improving digestive issues, but research also has shown that they can help benefit your skin, lungs, urinary tract, and oral cavity. Researchers have suggested that probiotics may help combat gum disease, dental plaque, bad breath, and potentially cancer.
(more…)What Does Dental Sedation Feel Like?
February 3, 2023
Has your dentist suggested that you be sedated for an upcoming treatment? If you have never been sedated before, you may be curious about what to expect. What does dental sedation feel like? How can you be sure that it is right for you? This blog post provides helpful information to prepare you for the road ahead.
(more…)Vaping is Putting your Smile at Risk
January 24, 2023
Vaping is becoming increasingly popular, but so are it’s damaging health effects. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 9.1 million American adults and 2 million teenagers use vaping products containing tobacco. Previous researchers have linked vaping to the development of lung disease and gum disease. Researchers at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine have now reported a potential link between patients using vaping devices and having an increased risk of developing dental cavities.
(more…)New Study on Oral Bacteria and Brain Abscesses
January 14, 2023
We all know how influential bacteria can be on our health. A new study, published in the Journal of Dentistry, discovered break through research on bacteria and our brains. Researchers from the University of Plymouth and University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust examined brain abscesses and their link to bacteria known to cause oral infections. They looked at 87 patient records who were admitted to the hospital with brain abscesses and analyzed the microbiology data from their abscess samples. Only 35 of the patients had an exact cause of the abscess identified. They found that of the 52 patients where a cause of the abscess had not been found, they were approximately 3 times as likely to have oral bacteria present in their samples. They also identified a higher presence of Streptococcus anginosus, which is a bacteria often associated with pharyngitis, bacteremia, internal organs infections, and even dental abscesses. Although the incidence of this type of brain abscess is rare, it can be life-threatening, according to the researchers.
(more…)Is Dental Sedation Safe During Pregnancy?
January 13, 2023
Regular dental care is vital throughout all stages of life, and pregnancy is no exception. The hormonal changes that occur during this special time can have an impact on a woman’s oral health, increasing the risk of gingivitis, enamel erosion, and other issues. Your dentist can help you manage these problems.
However, if you are a bit nervous about treatment, you might hesitate to book an appointment. You might be extra-reluctant because you are unsure if the methods used to help patients relax are safe for a developing infant. Is dental sedation safe during pregnancy? Read on below to discover the answer to that important question.