Your teeth are a precious asset, so you may be understandably concerned if your dentist tells you that you need one or more extractions. However, you can trust that your care provider would never recommend this procedure lightly — they likely have a very good reason! What are some of the most common reasons for tooth extractions? This blog post lists five.
Severe Decay
In its early stages, cavities are usually treatable via a simple filling. Even more advanced decay may be reparable with root canal therapy and a sturdy crown. In some cases, though, the decay is so advanced that it would be impractical or even impossible to salvage the tooth. In such instances, extraction may be the only viable course of action.
Advanced Gum Disease
As gum disease progresses, it can cause significant damage to both the pink tissue around the teeth and the underlying bone structure. It can become so severe that the teeth actually start to lose their base of support. Removing those teeth may be the best way to stabilize your oral health and clear the way for effective gum disease treatment.
Impacted Teeth
Impacted teeth are those that are stuck fully or partially beneath the gumline (this often happens with wisdom teeth). They are at an increased risk of numerous problems, including cysts, tumors, decay, infections, and more. In many cases, extracting impacted teeth is the best way to prevent future dental problems.
Make Room in the Mouth
If you have extra teeth or an unusually small mouth, your teeth may be crowded and overlapping. This can make it difficult for braces or other orthodontic devices to do their job. Removing one or more teeth can create the space that is necessary for you to achieve a healthier smile.
In other instances, tooth removal is necessary to make room for dentures.
Physical Trauma
Severe, long-term teeth grinding and clenching can wear down the teeth or even cause them to crack. In some cases, they can be repaired via crowns, but in certain instances, extraction is the best option.
Other types of physical trauma, such as what may be caused during a fall or sports mishap, could also lead to the need for extractions.
Tooth Extractions Can Be a Good Thing!
Tooth extractions can be an important step on your way to improved oral function, so there is no need to be afraid of them. Also, remember that state-of-the art tooth replacement solutions are available. Talk to your dentist so you can fully understand the reasons for your recommended treatment plan and how they can help you get back to enjoying a complete and healthy smile.
Meet the Practice
Wellesley Dental Group is home to a highly skilled team of general dentists and specialists, all of whom are proud to provide a wide range of services for our community. We offer both tooth extractions and natural-looking tooth replacement options, including state-of-the-art dental implants. To learn more about how we may be able to serve you, contact our office at 781-691-4914.