How to Eat Healthy on a Soft Diet

August 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — wellesleydg @ 11:21 pm
Bowl of creamy soup surrounded by vegetables

Many dental procedures require you to make temporary modifications to your diet. For example, your dental team will probably urge you to avoid hard and tough foods. Instead, you should eat softer items that require little to no chewing. You might be tempted to fill up on things like ice cream and milkshakes. While those items are fine as treats, it would be more beneficial to eat healthy while on a soft diet. How can you do that? Here are some tips:


Will Veneers Require You to Change Your Diet?

Filed under: Uncategorized — wellesleydg @ 10:59 pm
Woman with beautiful teeth, eating a burger

Your daily eating habits can have a great impact on your oral health, your overall wellness, and even your mood. If you have already established a good routine of eating nutritious, filling meals, you might wonder if getting some cosmetic dental work will require you to make any adjustments. Specifically, you might be curious to know if veneers will require you to change your diet. This blog post explains what you should know before you commit to treatment.
