Vaping is becoming increasingly popular, but so are it’s damaging health effects. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 9.1 million American adults and 2 million teenagers use vaping products containing tobacco. Previous researchers have linked vaping to the development of lung disease and gum disease. Researchers at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine have now reported a potential link between patients using vaping devices and having an increased risk of developing dental cavities.
The researchers of this study, published in The Journal of the American Dental Association, evaluated over 13,000 patients older than 16 who were treated at Tufts dental clinics between the years 2019-2022. They found a statistically significant difference in risk level of dental cavities between the e-cigarette/vaping group and those who did not report using vaping products. Approximately 79% of the patients who used vaping products were high-cavity risk, in comparison to only 60% of the control group. Karina Irusa, assistant professor of comprehensive care and lead author stated, “It’s important to understand this is preliminary data…This is not 100% conclusive, but people do need to be aware of what we’re seeing…” According to the paper: “One reason why e-cigarette use could contribute to a high risk of cavities is the sugary content and viscosity of vaping liquid, which, when aerosolized and then inhaled through the mouth, sticks to the teeth. (A 2018 study published in the journal PLOS One likened the properties of sweet-flavored e-cigarettes to gummy candies and acidic drinks.) Vaping aerosols have been shown to change the oral microbiome making it more hospitable to decay-causing bacteria. It’s also been observed that vaping seems to encourage decay in areas where it usually doesn’t occur — such as the bottom edges of front teeth.”
The researchers are encouraging dentists to ask their patients about e-cigarette use when collecting medical history. They believe that this will also help in their dental management, by adding certain treatments to help reduce their risk of tooth decay like prescription-strength fluoride products and more frequent dental visits.
This pandemic has impacted us all, but our community is indeed all stronger together. Our team at WDG always has your safety and health as our top priority, and we have implemented additional safety measures and equipment to help prevent the transmission of all infections, including COVID-19. Wellesley Dental Group has completely reopened since June 8th, 2020 for all dental procedures and cleanings! Thank you for entrusting your health and dental care to us at Wellesley Dental Group.
Feel free to contact Drs. Ali & Ali and the caring team at Wellesley Dental Group if you have any thoughts or concerns; they will be happy to answer your questions! Contact us today at 781-237-9071 or smile@wellesleydentalgroup.com to set up an appointment.
Your little ones and teens are welcome to visit our pediatric dentist, Dr. Bahar Houshman and Dr. Marisa Reason is happy to help with your TMJ and orthodontic needs. For wisdom teeth extractions or any other oral surgery needs, Dr. Reisman would love to help, and our gum-specialist Dr. Singh can help with your gum-related concerns.