You may know the dangers of tobacco use to your health, but did you know that goes for vaping too?! Recent studies conducted by researchers at NYU College of Dentistry show the relationship between electronic-cigarettes (E-cigarettes)/vaping products and gum disease. They found that individuals who use e-cigarettes have a unique oral microbiome that is less healthy than nonsmokers, which may contribute to gum disease. E-cigarettes use a battery that allows for nicotine and other chemicals to be vaporized and then inhaled.
Prior research has linked cigarette smoking as a risk factor for gum disease, but less research has been reported on the potential link between e-cigarettes and gum disease. Lead authors Deepak Saxena and Xin Li, professors of molecular pathobiology at NYU College of Dentistry noted, “To our knowledge, this is the first longitudinal study of oral health and e-cigarette use. We are now beginning to understand how e-cigarettes and the chemicals they contain are changing the oral microbiome and disrupting the balance of bacteria.” This study analyzed the oral health of 84 adults with varying degrees of gum disease broken into 3 groups, including cigarette smokers, e-cigarette users, and individuals who have never smoked. The participants were evaluated via the collection of dental plaque to analyze the bacteria present, which was collected during two dental exams six months apart. The researchers found that at the 6-month check-up, gum disease worsened in some participants in each group. Another research team analyzing the same data found that the e-cigarette users had significantly worse clinical attachment loss of the gums, which can cause gum recession and worsen gum disease. In addition, the study revealed the bacteria present in each group was somewhat unique. Yet, the e-cigarette users shared more bacteria (i.e. Selenomonas, Leptotrichia, and Saccharibacteria) in common with the cigarette smokers than nonsmokers. Plus, they found a high presence of common gum disease culprits including Fusobacterium and Bacteroidales among e-cigarette users. Lastly, they reported that the microbiome present in e-cigarette users was linked to an altered immune response. They found that the e-cigarette users had elevated levels of TNFα, an immune protein that triggers inflammation, which may worsen gum disease.
“Vaping appears to be driving unique patterns in bacteria and influencing the growth of some bacteria in a manner akin to cigarette smoking, but with its own profile and risks to oral health,” said study author Fangxi Xu.
So, cigarette smoking and vaping are definitely bad habits to kick to the curb for a healthier smile and healthier you!
This pandemic has impacted us all, but our community is indeed all stronger together. Our team at WDG always has your safety and health as our top priority, and we have implemented additional safety measures and equipment to help prevent the transmission of all infections, including COVID-19. Wellesley Dental Group has completely reopened since June 8th, 2020 for all dental procedures and cleanings! Thank you for entrusting your health and dental care to us at Wellesley Dental Group.
Feel free to contact Drs. Ali & Ali and the caring team at Wellesley Dental Group if you have any thoughts or concerns; they will be happy to answer your questions! Contact us today at 781-237-9071 or smile@wellesleydentalgroup.com to set up an appointment.
Your little ones and teens are welcome to visit our pediatric dentist, Dr. Bahar Houshman and Dr. Marisa Reason is happy to help with your TMJ and orthodontic needs. For wisdom teeth extractions or any other oral surgery needs, Dr. Reisman would love to help, and our gum-specialist Dr. Singh can help with your gum-related concerns.